Measuring the cost of downtime

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. Despite the business impact, few businesses actually measure how much downtime they rack up in a year. Acknowledging a failure and researching the contributing elements becomes a critical success factor for risk mitigation...

Scalability Part 1: Up And Out

Everyone wants to grow. Whether that’s serving more customers, expanding into new markets, or taking care of internal IT for more employees, growth is a measure of the health in business, economies, and nature itself. Growing your IT infrastructure can be a...

Patching Heartbleed

ServerCentral works around-the-clock to help keep our clients secure. Here’s some insight into the time taken to perform a massive, network-wide scan and notify our affected clients: ServerCentral’s response summary You don’t spend 15 years in IT without one of...

Dedicated vs. Cloud Costs

One of the major factors in deciding between cloud and dedicated infrastructure is cost. While hard costs are an obvious contributing factor, soft costs are more subtle and can be difficult to assign a number. So, how do you justify costs to your CFO? Human Capital...
Deft, a Summit company

Deft, a Summit company
2200 Busse Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
+1 (312) 829-1111