by Deft | Disaster Recovery
Learn how to prevent data loss with RAID. For a relatively small investment, RAID provides significant protection against failure.
by Jamie F Pechak | Disaster Recovery
Here are some of the craziest reasons for data center outages. 1) Squirrels These nut-cheeked, bushy-tailed rodents chew through cables like Willy Wonka’s Violet chews through gum. At one point, Level 3 Communications actually attributed 17% of fiber cuts to...
by Deft | Disaster Recovery
After early August’s widely publicized outage among several Internet providers, a lot of ServerCentral’s customers are curious as to why they didn’t see any impact. The short answer? ServerCentral deploys a modern and scalable routing infrastructure supported by...
by Deft | Disaster Recovery
You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. Despite the business impact, few businesses actually measure how much downtime they rack up in a year. Acknowledging a failure and researching the contributing elements becomes a critical success factor for risk mitigation...
by Deft | Disaster Recovery
Even the most robustly architected systems fail. Here are 5 automated strategies you can take to limit your downtime exposure.
by Deft | Disaster Recovery, Managed Services
ServerCentral works around-the-clock to help keep our clients secure. Here’s some insight into the time taken to perform a massive, network-wide scan and notify our affected clients: ServerCentral’s response summary You don’t spend 15 years in IT without one of...