The past few days have proven to be quite eventful, as you can imagine.
During this time we have:
- Deployed the initial VMware patch across our Enterprise Cloud and Private Cloud customer deployments and supported these customers in their update of Guest OSs and Guest VMs;
- Setup an emergency response team which is providing 24×7 monitoring across software and hardware vendors and systems deployed by our customers;
- Been in regular communication with all of our hardware and software vendors and partners, working through evaluation of patches for wide scale deployment; and
- Continued to recommend to all customers that Guest OS and Guest VM updates or patches be applied at your earliest available maintenance window.
The x86 Architecture CPU issue remains very fluid. In fact, just this afternoon, VMware dropped another Security Advisory, VMSA-2018-0004, which we are currently evaluating.
We will continue to monitor this situation around the clock and will provide direct communications to our customers as new information arises.
Again, we recommend everyone utilize the earliest available maintenance window to update all OS, Guest OS and Guest VM environments.
If you have any questions, or would like assistance, please utilize the ServerCentral Customer Portal to open a ticket and we’ll be there to help.