I want to talk about the AWS Transit Gateway

I want to talk about the AWS Transit Gateway announced at re:Invent. This is really exciting for anybody that’s dealing with large, complex AWS environments, or has a sizable networking environment that they manage on-premise today. There’s been a problem...

Tips for building a cloud migration plan

Deft has done innumerable cloud migration plans for clients. The biggest element that we see causing issues for organizations is not computing issues, but not preparing a meticulous plan for execution. Planning is the biggest step for the migration to cloud computing....

Northeastern Illinois University modernizes IT infrastructure

Chicago, IL — NEIU CIO Sam Kann recently moved the university’s on-premise infrastructure to a hybrid cloud solution architected and managed by ServerCentral Turing Group (SCTG). The modernized infrastructure provides NEIU with the tech credibility it needs to...
Deft, a Summit company

Deft, a Summit company
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Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
+1 (312) 829-1111