5 Odd Excuses for Data Center Outages

Here are some of the craziest reasons for data center outages. 1) Squirrels These nut-cheeked, bushy-tailed rodents chew through cables like Willy Wonka’s Violet chews through gum. At one point, Level 3 Communications actually attributed 17% of fiber cuts to...

Why ServerCentral’s Internet Didn’t Go Down

After early August’s widely publicized outage among several Internet providers, a lot of ServerCentral’s customers are curious as to why they didn’t see any impact. The short answer? ServerCentral deploys a modern and scalable routing infrastructure supported by...

Measuring the cost of downtime

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. Despite the business impact, few businesses actually measure how much downtime they rack up in a year. Acknowledging a failure and researching the contributing elements becomes a critical success factor for risk mitigation...

Patching Heartbleed

ServerCentral works around-the-clock to help keep our clients secure. Here’s some insight into the time taken to perform a massive, network-wide scan and notify our affected clients: ServerCentral’s response summary You don’t spend 15 years in IT without one of...
Deft, a Summit company

Deft, a Summit company
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Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
+1 (312) 829-1111