VPN vs VDI: The best security and access for remote workers

Plenty of our clients use a combination of VPN and VDI access, switching based on tasks and roles. It would be nice to have blanket advice to offer everyone. Like everything else when it comes to infrastructure, however, the best choice depends entirely on your specific situation.

I want to talk about the AWS Transit Gateway

I want to talk about the AWS Transit Gateway announced at re:Invent. This is really exciting for anybody that’s dealing with large, complex AWS environments, or has a sizable networking environment that they manage on-premise today. There’s been a problem...

Increase Uptime in Your Data Center Network

As networkers, we’re constantly thinking about redundancy and uptime. We’re taught that multiple links and devices means resiliency, which can be true, but complexity in the network can be equally complex to troubleshoot when things go wrong. The classic Layer 1-2...
Deft, a Summit company

Deft, a Summit company
2200 Busse Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
+1 (312) 829-1111